
Cervical Spondylitis

Cervical Spondylitis

Cervical Spondylitis is the age-related wear and tear affect the spinal disk around the neck region. It worsens with age. There is a disk dehydrate which is observed.

Symptoms of Cervical Spondylitis

Mostly, there are not many symptoms that pop up, but there are stiffness and pain found in the neck region at certain times. 

The nerve route passing the spine gets pinched, which creates some symptoms like

  • Numbness and tingling sensation around the arms 
  • Difficulty in walking at times 
  • Loss of bladder control

Risk factors of Cervical Spondylitis

The risk factors include

  • Age
    The condition occurs mainly as a part of the ageing process.
  • Postures
    Certain occupations require to be seated for long hours, with a discomfort in the neck movements
  • Neck Injuries
    Earlier injuries can also be an add on factor to trigger spondylolysis
  • Smoking
    Studies show that smoking increases the neck pain
  • Genetic factors
    Some families experience these conditions over time.

Treatment for Cervical Spondylitis

The joint pain can range from a moderate level to severe. Specific treatments are administered by the doctors to make the condition tolerable as follows.

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs – Over the counter medication to ease inflammation provided. 
  • Steroids Corticosteroids for pain reduction according to the severity.
  • Muscle relaxants to relieve the muscle spasm
  • Physical therapies include stretch and muscle strengthening exercises to reduce pain and prevent reoccurrence
  • Surgery removal of herniated disc in case if the condition worsens.

Regular exercise and the doctor’s advice will surely speed up the improvement in relieving pain.

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