


Stretching and straining of ligaments is often known as a sprain. It injures the bands of the tissue which attach the muscle to the bone.

Symptoms of Sprain

The symptoms of pain tend to vary depending on the nature and severity of the injury as follows:

  • Pain around the arm or leg 
  • Swelling 
  • Bruising
  • Restricted movement 
  • Hearing or feeling of a popping sound in the joint area.

Treatment for Sprain

The RICE approach – Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation as follows:

  • Rest Avoid activities which cause pain and stress in the area of discomfort. 
  • Ice  Once you understand there is pain, it is better to ice the area immediately, even while seeking medical advice.  
  • Compression, The area needs to be compressed with a bandage until there is a relief in the swelling. 
  • Elevation of the injured area to a higher heart level, reducing swelling.

Following the treatment and lifestyle modifications with the advice of a medical practitioner will maximise the positive results. 

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