
Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is a common type of disease that affects the skin. Other than small raised marks and an itchy sensation,  this disease causes no other symptoms.  In these cases, the skin will slowly turn from a healthy pink to red with very few markings on the surface. Lichen planus appears as flat, purplish, itchy bumps on the skin. It forms lacy white patches in the mouth, vagina and other areas which are covered by mucous.

Risk Factors

Lichen planus is more common in older males but it can also occur in anyone, irrespective of its age. Anyone can develop lichen planus. But it most commonly occurs on the skin of middle-aged or older women and tends to run in families.

Symptoms to Watch Out for

Symptoms of Lichen planus vary depending on the affected area. The most common signs and symptoms include:

  • Itching
  • Bumps of purple colour on the skin, mouth or vagina
  • Development of lesions that spread over the body in several weeks or months
  • Painful ridges or bumps on the skin
  • White, shiny patches where lichen planus has been present for a long time 
  • Scaly, tan-to-grey patches of skin
  • Areas of dry skin that peel off easily

Probable Treatments

There is no cure for lichen planus, but symptoms can be managed. The easiest treatment is to avoid known triggers such as heat and sunlight. Selecting the right treatment can help reduce the symptoms of lichen planus. Options include:


  • Corticosteroids
  • Retinoids
  • Nonsteroidal creams
  • Antihistamines

Home Treatment

  • Avoid touching the infected area
  • Using OTC anti-itching cream

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