
Warts are small, benign, flat growths that usually appear on the skin of your hands and feet. They are caused by viruses, bacteria, and fungi that affect the top layer of your skin. Warts are most commonly diagnosed in children because they are less likely to experience pain or discomfort when they’re growing. There are different types of warts that depend on their appearance and location.
Risk Factors
Warts are a type of skin disease that anyone can have. But there are some factors that increase the risk of warts are:
- Any skin injury or trauma
- Sweaty hands and feet
- Nail-biting
- Getting hands wet most of the time
- Physical contact with the person that already has warts
- Other types of skin infection that cracked the surface of the skin
- Scratching warts, that ultimately leads to the spread of warts on other body parts
Symptoms to Watch Out for
Warts look like small rough scars on the skin. They are usually flat and often have raised borders around them. Warts can be painful and can cause embarrassment when they appear on your face, neck or hands.
Symptoms of Warts include:
- Small, raised bumps on the skin surface
- The size of a wart ranges from 1 to 10 millimetres.
- Itching, in some cases
- The most commonly affected areas are the knees, face, hands, and feet
- Warts can be rough or smooth
Probable Treatments
The main symptomatic treatment of warts is removal by scraping or burning. Warts can also be treated with creams or lotion that contain salicylic acid, which causes a chemical reaction in the wart, causing it to dry out and fall off. Some other treatments for warts include:
- Cryotherapy
- Electrocautery and Curettage
- Laser therapy
- Gardasil Vaccination
- Immune system stimulator