
Laparoscopic Tubectomy
Laparoscopic Tubectomy or Tubal Ligation is a surgical permanent contraceptive procedure. Here the women’s fallopian tubes are blocked or tied and sealed to avoid pregnancy.
It is a sterilisation process to stop the eggs from reaching the sperm and getting fertilised. Mostly the patients get discharged on the same day.
The Surgical Procedure
General anaesthesia is given to the patient before the surgical process after the surgeon makes a small incision near the navel and injects harmless carbon dioxide to inflate the abdomen.
Inflating allows more space for the surgeon to perform the surgery. Later a Laparoscope is inserted inside these incisions to view the fallopian tubules.
Once the tubes are identified, the surgeon either uses the same incision or makes another secondary incision to insert a surgical device inside the body. These devices hold, cut and seal the fallopian tubules.
The surgeon uses the clamps, rings, clips or electric current to seal the tubules. After which, the laparoscope is removed, and the incisions are stitched together.
After Surgery
Mild abdominal pain after surgery is normal. The surgeon will provide medicines and care instructions to control the pain.
However, if you feel too much pain or discomforted you must get in touch with your doctor.