
Lumbar Spondylitis

Lumbar Spondylitis

Lumbar Spondylitis is the formation of new bone where the ligament gets stressed.

Symptoms of Lumbar Spondylitis

The symptoms include :

  • A muscle spasm occurs in the lower back. 
  • A feeling of grinding or popping up during sitting and standing up  
  • Pains in the buttocks area 
  • Pain in the leg due to pinch in the Sciatica nerve 
  • Instability in the spine 
  • Restricted range of movement 
  • Bowel and bladder difficulties due to nerve compression

Treatment for Lumbar Spondylitis

The conservative treatments are beneficial. Listing a few :

  • Medications for pain control 
  • Muscle relaxants to relieve the spasms
  • Physical Therapy provides relief through exercises 
  • Spinal Injections for chronic back pains 
  • Steroids are administered mainly for pains related to herniated discs and similar 
  • Yoga provides good support to the back and spine 
  • Lifestyle modifications maintaining a healthy weight and eating nutritious food 
  • Usage of a Brace controls the pain by limiting the movements

The treatments mentioned above, combined with the doctor’s advice, would maximise beneficial results.

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